You cannot motivate other people. What you can do is provide a motivating environment in which they motivate themselves.
People do things for their reasons, not ours.
People always pursue personal pay-offs.
(The above comes from Dr. John Geier PhD., author of the Personal Profile System.)
Lack of motivation is usually a response to a feeling of hopelessness.
Much of what sales managers do with salespeople is de-motivating not motivating. Salespeople are not lazy – they’re just scared. We offer the above as thought stimulators. Challenging our thinking helps us stay open to changing ideas and knowledge. An old philosopher said: "The mind is like a parachute, it works better when it's open."
Email Me your Comments or observations: Click Here
Young people do not want to enter selling as a profession.
Few professions offer earning above-average money and building a reputation for fair and considerate treatment of customers as sales. It is important we clearly communicate this opportunity to our rookies. The hard truth is that, in sales, we all need to earn our keep. Since the bulk of salespeople are marginal, average incomes seem low.
When asked, “What does your average salesperson make?” We answer, “Are you planning to be average?” We’re serious. It’s not uncommon for highly competent, professional salespeople to earn six figure incomes. Selling at the highest level of competency is one of todays most secure and well-compensated career opportunities. Organizations are desperate for salespeople who consistently seek out and do business with new clients. Getting clients to switch from doing business with competitors is a necessary competency in today’s hyper-competitive marketplace. Simplistic selling skills are not enough.
Our new generation of young people are competitive, yet team-players. They can be self-reliant, but want to work as part of a team to achieve something bigger than themselves. They want, and require direct, clear, and specific feedback. They are not afraid to practice core skills, but are suspicious of simplistic theories about sales and often resist obviously manipulative tactics.
The want tips, but lose patience when other drone on about the past.
Email Me your Comments or observations: Click Here
At the beginning of each year, many business people commit to worthy sounding resolutions. Others have given up on this practice since they tend to disappoint themselves by January 31. New Year’s Resolutions have fallen into disfavor based on many examples of broken promises such as the crowded health club parking lots in January that quickly thin out as fitness resolutions die a quiet death. Here are several suggestions to increase the probability that 2010’s business resolutions will stick.
We invite you to make 2010 the year of the customer
If you don’t do this, your customers will! We’re fascinated listening to business people who say they are customer focused or customer driven, while their business models are focused on internal issues or self-oriented profit needs.
Years ago, focusing on customers didn’t really seem to matter. I know this sounds bizarre, but customer demand was higher than capacity and the seller was in the driver’s seat. In those days, organizations set their business goals based on their targeted profit margins.
Whether we recognize it or not, the customer is clearly entrenched at the centre of our business universe. Incidentally, organizations that ignore or deny this reality are in deep, fundamental trouble. (We’re sure you can name names.)
It seems we’ve been deluded into thinking that simply improving products or services, lowering prices, or aggressive marketing is the answer.
Please don't skim over this assuming you are customer-focused or customer-centric. You may be, I don'y know you so I cannot tell from here. However, our experience with local and name-plate customers is that they are rarely as customer-centric as they claim. When surveyed, customers often rate organizations lower by 60-80% than they rate themselves.
It's a new year in a new landscape
Typically, we design products (services) that we think serve customer’s needs, and then aggressively take them to market using traditional, mass-market or direct sales techniques. Invariably, the market responds with apathy, strong resistance, or resounding silence other than a giant sucking sound as they take their money elsewhere. Today’s business climate is unforgiving. This old business model will not work and it could lead to your organization’s demise. Innovation is critical, but blind guesswork or arrogant product development is the kiss of death. A large global, ex-giant corporation in the latter part of 2009 proudly declared, after some of the biggest losses in their history, that they have finally decided, as a last resort, to actually listen to their customers.
We hosted our annual goal-setting workshop in Toronto. We had a record crowd - thank those who attended. Here are links to the two e-books we offered at that meeting. We have booked several on-site workshops as well.
Download our e-book: Make 2010 your best year ever - the year of the customer. We have one version for owners, executives and managers and a special edition for individuals.
We appreciate any feedback you give us and promise to listen and respond.